Sunday, January 14, 2018

Quick Sunday reflections

So how are you all doing with all the incredible BS that is floating around?  I am referring to the ads on TV and internet and such that want you to do a whole "new year, new you" type of crap.  I just looked at my "Feedly" and I am seriously considering weeding out again.  One fitness website that is about 80% good is veering off into territory that I will not visit.  And it is more frequent at this time of the year, so that might have to go!


It is so hard to deal with all the crap that we see around us, not to mention hear around us.  The thing to remember is to NOT let it get into your head.  It is so easy for it to do that.  I find saying OUT LOUD- at least in whisper form- "well isn't that a bunch of bs" is helpful to separate yourself from your thoughts.  Thoughts can grab a hold of you hard, especially in vulnerable times like early morning or when you are trying to fall asleep.

So about a year ago now I finally let go of my exercise app, and I have been on a mission to purge my facebook memories of all those share that I did up to the beginning of 2017.  It took 4 years to let go of that!  So now my plan is to go to the gym and train for my life.  I am planning to do some hiking, kayaking and biking, so my weightlifting time will be dedicated to large muscle groups that will support that mission.

And eat when I want because I am a grown up.  haha

Because we are more than good enough to be who we are and not who others think we should be.

Kisses and hugs